Estate, Friends, History, Kinneil House, walking

Free guided lunchtime walks add to Saturday open days

The Friends of Kinneil volunteers are once again to offer a free weekly guided outdoor walk in Kinneil Estate at 12 noon on most Saturdays during the main visitor season. This will add to the experience for visitors coming to Kinneil for the regular new Saturday tours inside Kinneil House, by also showing some of the other heritage in the estate.

The walk will take place during the lunch hour when there is no tour inside the house.

Tour stopping at the viewpoint overlooking the Firth of Forth

Visitor information – please read carefully:

* The outdoor walking tours will be offered most Saturdays from the end of March until the end of September, or until further notice, at 12 noon.

* There is no need to book, just turn up – meet outside Kinneil Museum (itself open free on Saturday house open days), where a toilet is also located and should be available. You can join the walk and/or visit the museum even if you do not have tickets for any of the house tours that day.

* The walk will last just under an hour, to allow any visitors on the 1pm house tour to get back in time. The guide will explain and take questions on some of the wider history and heritage of Kinneil Estate. The content of the tours is different from, and complementary to, the indoor house tours – it is hoped they will add considerably to visitors’ appreciation of the estate and local area.

* The usual route is short (Kinneil Museum – James Watt Cottage – Kinneil Kirk – Antonine Wall – Kinneil Museum). In some weeks the walk may feature a special theme and/or follow a slightly different route (keep an eye out for updates).

* The walk will mostly be along sound footpaths with minimal trip/slip hazards. All ages welcome – adults and children. Regrettably those who are infirm and/or in wheelchairs are respectfully advised not to join the walk. During or after wet weather, some paths may be muddy and/or slippy: please wear suitable clothing and footwear for the conditions.

* Dogs are welcome but if bringing a dog, please keep the dog away from other walkers, well-behaved, under control and on a lead at all times.

* The walk is free of charge, but donations to support the Friends of Kinneil, a registered charity, may be made at the end.

* On arrival at the estate, please park in the signposted parking areas, or outside the estate, and not on grass verges, in the area in front of Kinneil House, nor in front of residents’ houses.

* Please check the Friends of Kinneil Facebook page or Twitter page before coming, to check for any announcements about cancellation or changes due to adverse weather conditions or other factors. We would do our best to post such announcements before 10am on the morning of any particular walk, which may otherwise be assumed to be going ahead although we cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen last-minute circumstances/cancellation.

* The main areas of Kinneil Estate form part of the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site. Visitors may wish to continue with their own walk to explore Kinneil Roman Fortlet, and many other paths around the 200 acres of woods and historic parkland, or down the John Muir Way to Kinneil Foreshore towards Bo’ness and other attractions. A free leaflet about the estate’s ‘Hidden Heritage’ trail can be picked up in Kinneil Museum, and free audio tours are also available.

Our guides look forward to welcoming you, or welcoming you back, to Kinneil!